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The Mandate and Mission

YOUR DREAM is our dream. YOUR VISION is our mission.

Smooth Stone Leadership exists to strengthen you, equip you, and embolden you to pursue that which you are called to do. You are here for a reason, and no one else can take your place, fulfill your dreams, or lead the way you are created. 

Our mandate and mission are to train and equip individuals or companies to lead and influence within their personal or corporate identity that enables them to achieve their maximum potential while attaining their own satisfaction and fulfillment. Smooth Stone Leadership is dedicated to helping equip and empower you first to lead yourself as you lead your team with focus, purpose, and intentionality, so together, you can fulfill your personal and corporate mission. 

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What We believe


Image by Riccardo Annandale

We believe that your highest potential is ALREADY in your hands. Your most excellent ideas, your deeply seeded dreams, whatever it is you think you lack to lead, to accomplish what you set out to do, and to finish what you started - IT IS ALREADY IN YOU. 

We believe that everyone, YOU INCLUDED, is divinely ordained with a purpose on earth for every generation. 

We believe that if you lead according to HOW YOU ARE MADE that you will find freedom and fulfillment to accomplish your destiny. 

We believe that comparison is a trap that hinders you from operating in confident leadership. And fear far too long has held people in bondage getting them stuck. And more importantly, people-pleasing is an identity killer. You are not like anybody - and there is no one else like you - THAT'S A GOOD THING. 

We believe that leadership is not a position but a place of influence. If someone is watching you, you are leading. If you think you're leading, but no one is following, you are merely existing. We believe that your life's witness matters more than your life's accomplishments and worldly accolades—character and integrity matters. 

We believe in the power of building teams and a culture of leadership, teaching, mentoring, and daily succession. We believe that leadership is not about self-sustenance but is instead finding security in who you are so you can celebrate who others ought to become. Leaders raise leaders if they stay to run with you, great; however, if they choose to leave and pursue their dreams, CELEBRATE with them. 

We believe that leaders make a mark. Not of their names etched in walls, and it's more than a title and a corner office. Although these things are essential and SHOULD BE CELEBRATED, especially if this is what you are called to, it is still only secondary to leaving a lasting legacy of people built up by a single life well-lived. Remember, an office and title may sustain you, but the mark you leave on people's lives and who they become will sustain the world. We believe that leaders build beyond themselves. Leaders live to create legacies that outlive themselves. 

We believe that WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU BECOME and how you respond to the process of your becoming matters first. And out of the abundance of that process, flows the fruitfulness of WHAT YOU DO AND HOW YOU LEAD. 

We believe that leadership carries the strength of both identity and maturity. And your place of influence can only be strengthened by your security in both aspects. We believe that the people you lead responds to the witness you leave, to the fruitfulness you carry, and to the integrity of what you speak and what you do. We believe that secure leaders hold themselves accountable to the wake of their leadership and influence, not for the approval and appeasement of man, but leaving a good, integral witness behind. 

We believe that leadership is sustained by coffee, lots of it. Just kidding - maybe kidding. This statement may strike you as unprofessional, but this is intentional. We believe in humor, and you have a personality, USE IT. Learn to laugh at yourself and learn from your mistakes. WE BELIEVE THAT MISTAKES WILL HAPPEN; what matters is how you respond to it. Leaders set the temperature; your presence affects culture and atmosphere; it influences those around you. Leaders know how to breathe and how to pull away, pick themselves back up, and do it all over again. If the people you lead cannot see your joy in what you are doing, they will find no purpose to following. 

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Our commitment

Commitment #1 

Our commitment is to YOU. Not to change you but help you become the best version of yourself. That means it will take time, and it will take work. But we are committed to walking it with you and the team you lead, and the people you are called to serve. 

Commitment #2 

We operate in truth. Constructive criticisms, open conversations, crucial conversations, mutually accountable confrontations is our friend. Open discussions are necessary; the intent is not to judge or manipulate outcomes, but is instead, is singularly meant for growth. 

Commitment #3

We walk hand in hand to build YOU and YOUR dreams, your entrustment - not take it away from you. We stand alongside with you, not do the work for you. We do our part, you do your part. We equip, but YOU EXECUTE; because YOU CAN DO IT. We COMMIT to not being a crutch but helping build the gap between where you are and where you want to be, individually and corporately. 

Commitment #4 

We commit to letting you go and setting you free in due season. Though this is a business, it is first a mandate. When our part of work is done and you are ready to walk it out, we are here to cheer you on and not hold you back. We refuse to be the lid that holds you back from your highest potential. 

Commitment #5 

We commit to always supporting you. Separation from your season of being a learner to a doer promotes you to be a partner. Partnerships are crucial, that, we understand. Our job is to engage, equip, strengthen, and release you so you can do what you are called to do. So we can all stand alongside each other and make our respective sphere of influence a better place.  

Commitment #6

We commit not haphazardly to engage you. We can, and we will SAY "NO" because often, our best route to success comes with a strong "NO" or "NOT YET" - not because you are unable, incapable or not worth it but because there are times that a dream can, and will destroy you. In that case, we will need to walk through one on one mentorship instead. If we are not the team to help you, our commitment is to lead you to the right people instead. 

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About: About

Are you looking for ways to start building your dream? Are you wondering how to start your own business? Smooth Stone Leadership is here for you. We understand starting can be hard, we've been there, this is why we exist. If you are ready to take your next steps, we are here to walk it with you.

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